SRI FULL FEATURED PORTABLE GCs SRI Instruments manufactures pre-configured and custom full-featured portable GCs offering a wide range of analytical solutions on flexible and inexpensive GC mainframes. All standard injectors and detectors are available, including accessories such as gas-sampling valves, purge and trap, headspace, vacuum pump interface, and methanizer.
Each SRI GC includes Peaksimple Data Acquisition software to make your GC purchase complete. Peaksimple systems are also available as 1- and 6-channel stand-alone acquisition systems for ANY brand of GC.
Choose from 16 popular pre-configured systems or customize GC hardware to your exact specifications. SRI GCs will perform 98% or better when compared to leading GC manufacturers but at half the cost. Portability, reliability, flexiblity, ruggedness, and a TWO YEAR factory warranty makes the SRI GCs an excellent choice for your laboratory.
PID Analyzers LLC develops sensors and analyzers for air, water and process monitoring applications; over 40,000 have been sold worldwide.
The sensor technologies include photoionization, infrared, electrochemistry, catalytic combustion, flame ionization, capacitance, thermal conductivity, UV, electrochemistry, capacitance, gas chromatography. Many of their analyzers are multifunctional and include multiple technologies. The parameters measured include: VOCs, O2, H2O, fixed gases, SO2, NO2, NO, CO2, formaldehyde…at ppb to % levels.
Application areas include:
- Landfill Gas Analysis
- Confined spaces
- Stack gas analysis
- Leak Detection
- Emergency Response
- Industrial Health…and others…
The PID Analyzers portables have unique ”Snap On” Heads for optimization of their long life lamps. Their 9.5, 10.6 and 11.7 eV lamps are the ”best in the business”.Their 11.7 lamp has the longest lifetime using technology that they developed nearly 30 years ago. The Heads can be interchanged with automatic detection by the readout unit. The lamp calibration follows when the Heads are interchanged. Their unique technology makes it easy to build or upgrade your new Analyzer. Inquire if you don’t see the Analyzer you want. PIDs advanced electronic technology allows them to interface any type of sensor to their electronics.
PID HAND-HELD ANALYZERS | More Information |
Full-featured portable GCs from SRI offer a wide range of analytical solutions on flexible and inexpensive GC mainframes.
Model 8610C is a full-featured lab quality portable gas chromatograph ideally suited for full laboratory or field use. The compact Model 310 GC provides chromatographers with the same power and performance as the 8610C but in a smaller package. The Model 110 Stand-Alone detector chassis adds new power and versatility to your existing GC system.
- SMALLEST FULL-FEATURED GCs AVAILABLE – The Model 8610C GC mainframe footprint is only 18.5″ W x 14.5″ D x 12.5″ H and can be configured with all the features of full-sized laboratory GC’s with thousands of possible internal hardware combinations. And it weighs only 40-70 pounds! The Model 310 GC’s footprint is only 12.5″ W x 14.5″ D x 13″ H and still provides ambient to 400oC temperature programming capability, multiple ramps, up to 4 detectors, two injectors, and more.
- ELECTRONIC PRESSURE CONTROL (EPC) – Optimize your chromatography by controlling your column’s head pressure during your analytical run. EPC eliminates all manual pneumatic pressure regulators and flow controllers. All system gases are controlled under the EPC and the carrier gas is now pressure-programmable.
- HIGH TEMPERATURE, FAST COOLING OVEN – A new insulated oven with a high output heating element now permits temperature programming from ambient to 400oC at ramp rates up to 40o per minute A new cooling system will get you ready for your next sample run quickly.
- MOUNT UP TO FOUR DETECTORS ON THE SAME CHASSIS – Choose from eight standard detectors for maximum GC versatility. Each detector is equipped with full electrometer/amplifier electronics and an adjustable heated zone for maximum detector stability.
- PEAKSIMPLE DATA SYSTEM – full data acquisition software and hardware mounted into the GC mainframe is included with every SRI GC (with factory installed detectors). Peaksimple controls all of the GC’s functions and integrates up to six detectors via the USB interface. Complete with MS-DOS, Windows 3.x and Windows 95 versions. Peaksimple para Windows en Espanol. Does not include a PC which is necessary to operate the SRI GCs.
- SERIAL PORT I/O – one serial cord connects the GC to your Laptop computer or networks COM port.
- LOW COST – half the cost of larger comparably equipped GCs.
- RELIABLE – includes an unprecedented two year factory (parts and labor) warranty.
Choose from many customary detector and injector options to perform almost any ASTM or EPA GC method with the precision and accuracy demanded of full sized instruments doing EPA or state certified analyses. Simplified operation, easy troubleshooting, two year factory warranty, and low initial cost make the SRI portable GCs the best choice for your laboratory.
More Information |
The flexibility of the SRI Model 8610C and the compact Model 310 GC allows for the same combinations of hardware with multiple injector, detector and add-on options as you would find on a full size lab GC. | |
INJECTOR OPTIONS | More Information |
On-column, Heated On-Column, Heated Split/Splitless, “fast” SPME, Thermal Soil Desorber, new Method 5035 Compliant Purge and Trap, Method 5030 Purge and Trap Autosampler, On-Line Liquid Sampler for Purge and Trap, 42 Vial Liquid Autosampler, Heated Static Headspace, 10 Port Gas Sampling Valve. | |
DETECTOR OPTIONS | More Information |
Configure your GC with any of the standard GC detectors, FID, PID, ECD, DElCD, TCD, NPD, FPD, HID and detector combinations: FID/DELCD, NPD/DELCD, FPD/FID. A Model 110 Stand-Alone detector will add new versatility to your existing GC system, of any brand, for far less money than adding a new GC. | |
ACCESSORIES | More Information |
Hydrogen generator, methanizer, built-in air compressor, vacuum pump interface, gas line installation kits, GC maintenance kit, packed columns. | |
You can customize a GC to meet your needs or purchase one of the popular pre-configured GCs offered by SRI. |
PID Analyzers is the leading manufacturer of photoionization based analytical instrumentation used in portable, process and laboratory detection worldwide.
The PID Analyzers portables have unique ”Snap On” Heads for application optimization. The Heads can be interchanged with automatic detection by the readout unit. Their unique technology makes it easy to build or upgrade your new Analyzer. Inquire if you don’t see the Analyzer you want. PIDs advanced electronic technology allows them to interface any type of sensor to their electronics. Their product line encompasses more than 30 sensors based on the following technologies:
PID | TCD | EC |
SNAP-ON PID HEAD – There are three easy to interchange Snap-On Heads with 9.5, 10.6 or 11.7 lamps. Just snap on to the Docking Module. The Smart Docking Module will automatically recognize the type of Head. It will also remember the previous calibration for that head. Thus, these heads can be interchanged without the need for recalibration. A PID only Snap-On head is available for the 102 while a PID plus1-3 other sensors is available for the 102+.
SNAP-ON SENSOR HEAD – The Snap-On Sensor head has 4 positions for plug-in sensors:
a. Position #1- Wheatstone bridge for CG or TCD or IR sensor-Position
b. Position #2 & 3 amperometric electrochemical sensors
c. Position # 4 amperometric or potentiometric EC sensors The bridge setup is different for each of the sensors in (a) above. One could have a head with a CG and another with a TCD plus three electrochemical sensors. When these are interchanged, the Smart Docking Unit will remember the calibrations. Many portable instruments are used infrequently. This doesn’t minimize the importance of these analyzers. They can be used for safety, industrial hygiene, and stack or process analysis. The Snap On Heads allow an inexpensive solution to a multipurpose Analyzer.
Click HERE for more information on PID Analyzers sensor technology.
All portable analyzers have datalogging and PC-based software.
MODEL 102 PID (ONLY) | More Information |
For VOCs and inorganics in air. PID: 9.5, 10.6 or 11.7 eV heads available. Measure for VOC’s (ppm, ppb), O2, CO, H2S, PH3, SlH4,Cl2, HCN, HCl, HF, F,Phosphine, H2, SO2, NO, NO2; LEL |
More Information |
For VOCs and inorganics in air. Snap-on PID Heads. Measure 1-5 parameters. Ppb range 0-20,000. Wide range 0.1-3,000 ppm to 30,000 with Dilution probe |
MODEL 107 – STACK GAS ANALYZER | More Information |
CO2 (IR), EC – CO, NO, NO2, O2, SO2 – 4 sensors per head, multiple snap-on heads available. | |
MODEL 108 LANDFILL GAS ANALYZER | More Information |
Measure CH4, CO2, O2, CO, H2S. 0-100% CH4,0-30% O2. 2x IR (CH4 AND CO2), EC for O2 and H2S. |
MODEL 113 TCD OR CG | More Information |
Electrochemical, toxic gases, H2 and O2. 1 to 3 Electrochemical (EC) sensors, CG, TCD, long lifetime O2 sensor; headspace measurements. Choose from over 30 EC sensors. | |
MODEL 114 IR | More Information |
IR sensor for CO2 (0-2,000, 5,000 or 10,000 ppm); IR sensor for CH4; 0-100% LEL or 100% Vol; 0-2,000 ppm N2O; IR sensor for CH4; 0-100% LEL or 100% Vol; 0-2,000 ppm N2O. Easy to use IR sensor for CO2 measurements for IH, IAQ, quality control; LEL or 0-100% Methane or HC; N2O 1 IR Sensor (interchangeable). | |
MODEL 115 PORTABLE FID – NEW! | More Information |
VOCs and methane – to 50,000ppm. EPA Method 21. |